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Use: To differentiate Calcite from Dolomite.

Instructions: Cover chips with thin layer of water, enough to wet sample. Add 2 to 3 drops of Alizarin Red stain and wait up to three minutes, rinse with clean water.

Results: Calcite will turn deep pink to deep reddish-orange. Dolomite will either turn faint pink or not stain at all.


Use: To determine if Sulphides (Anhydrites) are present.

Instructions: Place 4 to 5 drops of suspect sample in watch glass. With glass rod, crush to fine powder. Add HCl to cover sample. Heat watch glass under microscope to see edge of solution. Add one drop BaCl2 to edge of glass and let run into solution.

Results: If sulphides are present, very thin needle-like crystals or fine white powder will appear. (Powder resembles snow and will sink.) The Crystals are insoluble (BaSO4).

Note: Barium Chloride is very toxic.
           Wash hands after use.


Use: To detect hydrocarbon presence and the gravity, if chart is used.

Instructions: Place clean, dry sample in watch glass. Add Chlorothene to cover sample to twice depth of sample and place under UV light.

Results: If hydrocarbon is present, it will appear as a patch-like colour in top of the Chlorthene. Also look for individual chip bleeding or streaming. Colour will vary from white through blue and yellow to dark brown.